In this talk, I look at the various agendas that are moving forward while everyone is being distracted by a war.
Line items include:
*vaccine passports
*climate change aka the new green deal
*plant based foods
*electric cars
*crypto currency
*social credit scoring system
Quotes from the Qur’an:
The day We say to Gehenna: “Art thou filled?” And it will say: “Is there any more?”
Is then he who is a believer like him who is perfidious? They are not equal.
As for those who heed warning and do righteous deeds: for them are the Gardens of Shelter as a welcome for what they did.
And as for those who are perfidious: their shelter is the Fire. As often as they desire to come out therefrom, they are brought back into it; and it is said to them: “Taste the punishment of the Fire which you denied!”
And We will let them taste of the lower punishment before the greater, that they might return.
And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the proofs of his Lord, then turns away therefrom? We will take vengeance on the lawbreakers.
And when We intend to destroy a city, We command its opulent ones, but they are perfidious therein; so the word becomes binding upon it, and We annihilate it utterly.
And how many generations have We destroyed after Noah? And thy Lord suffices as one aware, seeing the transgressions of His servants.
Whoso desires this fleeting life, We hasten for him therein what We will to whom We wish; then have We appointed for him Gehenna wherein he will burn, condemned and banished.
And whoso desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he should, and is a believer — those, their striving is appreciated.
To each do We extend — to these and to those — from the gift of thy Lord; and the gift of thy Lord is not restricted.
See thou how We have preferred some of them over others; but the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater in preferment.
Make thou not with God another god lest thou sit down condemned and forsaken. (17:16-22)
God is He who created you; then He provided for you; then will He give you death; then will He give you life. Is there among your partners one who does anything of that? Glory be to Him! And exalted is He above that to which they ascribe a partnership!
Corruption has appeared on land and sea for what the hands of men have earned, that He might let them taste some of what they have done, that they might return.
Say thou: “Travel in the earth and see how was the final outcome of those who were before; most of them were idolaters.”
The Qur’an: A Complete Revelation by Sam Gerrans